Showing 5 Result(s)
Helio Gracie Has Passed Away

Helio Gracie Has Passed Away

Grand Master Helio Gracie passed away Thursday morning at 9:15 due to natural causes. He was 95 years old. His legacy will survive forever in all members of the Gracie Family, jiu-jitsu practitioners around the world, and all those who have benefited from the revolution he began. In his final years, the creator of Gracie …

Naked Juice Rules!

Naked Juice Rules!

I am addicted to Naked Juice. But you may have already figured that one out. If you offered me an iPhone or a year’s supply of Naked Juice, I’d go with the juice, no hesitation. And while I have not yet tried EVERY flavor, I haven’t met one I didn’t like. Of course, I am …

Political Bowl XLIV

Political Bowl XLIV

Tomorrow’s the “big day,” the one that the whole world is calling “historic.” Democrats are camping out in the snow and Republicans are all hoping for a “successful presidency.” Everywhere I turn, O-mania is in the air. Meanwhile, I feel like a fish out of water. Here’s why… I am a sports fan. In pro …

Jack and the Magic Beans

Jack and the Magic Beans

Think About It—God’s Word is alive! (Hebrews 4:12) Read About It—Luke 8:4-15 You have to love the old story of Jack and his “magic beans.” The kid and his mom are down to nothing and Jack’s mom sends Jack into town to trade the family cow for some food. Been there…well, not exactly—with the cow …

2008, My Year in Review

2008, My Year in Review

Seems folks like doing “memes,” which have been defined as “some kind of list of questions that you saw somewhere else and you decided to answer the questions. Some suggest that you get [a specific number of] other people to do the same” and so forth and so on, infinity. So, in the spirit of …