Showing 5 Result(s)
Harry Potter and the Empty Tomb

Harry Potter and the Empty Tomb

How would you feel if you were to find out that the resurrection of Jesus was somehow a hoax, or at least a misunderstanding? In his book, Philosophia Christi, Gary R. Habermas responds to some “suggested alternative scenarios” posed by Dale Allison concerning Jesus’s resurrection. You can read part of the response at, but …

King James

King James

Basketball fans know him as “King James.” Lebron James was already being hailed as a future NBA superstar when he was a sophomore in high school. At age 18 he signed a contract with Nike and then became the number one draft pick to the Cleveland Cavaliers straight out of high school. He was the …

A Toothless Gospel

A Toothless Gospel

Not long ago I found myself in the middle of a difficult conversation with a very dear friend. The issue had to do with choices. My friend—against advice, good judgment, scriptural admonition, and old-fashioned pleading—had chosen to make some lifestyle changes that were clearly out of harmony with God’s Word. Well, I say “clearly”, but …

What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

I have a friend who is a single male in his late forties. Career-wise, he’s quite successful. And his passion for Christ and genuine love for others is obvious after only a few minutes in conversation. But even more striking is his story of how he found a level of contentment that many single adults …