
About Eric

I blame it on my junior high art teacher, Mr. Reese.

Somewhere around 7th or 8th grade, I fell completely in love with the idea of being an architect. Maybe you had a similar experience during your formative years. If so, you know how much an experience like that can shape you. It seemed—to the junior high version of me—that architecture was the perfect mixture of wild creativity and unrelenting precision. I never really recovered from that idea.

“Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions” (Oliver Wendell Holmes, Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, 1858 ).

Twenty years later I went through the grueling, self-investigative process of trying to discern the common thread running through my life to that point (which I did/do consider to be the guiding hand of God). Whether it was working as a DJ in college, double-majoring in Christian Education and Psychology, serving in almost every educational capacity of the local church—youth pastor, children’s pastor, Boys Club director, Family ministries director, and Christian Education director—or serving as a Product Developer and Managing Editor at a major Christian publishing company, I realized that everything I had done followed that same early thread of wanting to exercise “wild creativity and unrelenting precision.” Every job, every responsibility, I treated it like an architect might, should he/she be given the same assignments.

Nice story, but what does it have to do with you? Maybe everything.

I’ve held many titles since my self-discovery process, but they’ve always included the “architect” idea (if not the actual word). And for the past 15 years, I’ve continued making it my life’s mission to help those who are ready to make a change. How? By designing—with both creativity and precision—the blueprints necessary for change.

Are you ready for a change? That’s not hype. That’s an honest question with real weight behind it. When you reflect on the current chapter of your [pick one: brand, self, team, family, relationships], do you feel like the story is at a critical point? Do you get the sense that now is the time embrace the “hero’s journey” and make the change that could permanently catapult you into a new and exciting direction? If so, read on.

Ok, so what is a Change Architect, anyway, and why do you need one?

Change, like building a new building or doing a renovation on an old one, is never easy, and it rarely happens overnight. But with the right blueprints, it gets significantly less challenging. Blueprints give you a vision for the finished product and precise guidelines for obtaining it. Blueprints remove the guesswork and eliminate many of the unknowns. Blueprints ensure that what you set out to construct is “up to code.”

Whether you are looking to help bring positive change to your brand, others, yourself, or even your kids, I can help! Not only have I developed some proven blueprints that may work perfectly for your change needs, but I can also work with you (and/or your team) to create custom change blueprints for your circumstances!

For example, using a well-honed process I call Triple-Strength Branding™, I can help you craft major and minor aspects of your brand image—from social media and content marketing to graphic design, advertising, and much more—in a way which communicates the very heart of your organization. As creator of The Learning CURVE™, I can teach you a simple, easy to use system for training others that has been used in thousands of businesses and non-profit organizations all across the United States. As a Certified Trainer in the Everything DiSC® Personality Assessment (now a Wiley brand), I can teach you to better understand yourself and those around you, while designing a proven strategy for implementing positive change in your relationships. And as a former youth and children’s minister, a father of four, and a long-time associate (and Board member) of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Ocoee region, I can help you design a Rite of Passage that is guaranteed to forever change the trajectory of the students you care about.

Let’s get you started on a new chapter!

I want to make one thing super clear: You are the hero of your own story based on the changes you make and when you make them. Even if you choose to use my blueprints, the labor—and the rewards—are all yours! If we end up working together, I’ll give you the blueprints to build meaningful habits through purposeful action, but in the end you’ll reap the most significant benefits. For your brand, yourself, and/or your relationships, a new day is within reach. The first step on this new journey: Click here to connect with me via email and then let’s decide, together, if a Change Architect is really what you need! I look forward to chatting with you.