Showing 176 Result(s)

Less Talk, More Action

The past two days, I’ve watched  as many businesses and organizations—large and small, for-profit and not-for-profit—figure out creative ways to stay in business while at the same time creating additional (i.e., previously unavailable) value for their audience. This is a win/win strategy! For example, I’ve seen: A group of church marketing experts who are offering …

Thanksgiving Ushers in Peace!

When my kids were little, we spent many long hours traveling to the grandparents’ house for the holidays. In order to help our littles cope with the 6 or 10-hour trips (one way) they always packed a “busy bag”. Invariably, something ALWAYS got left behind and grandma would find it later. So I started making …

Christmas Angels, Pt 1

No doubt about it: Christmas is a magical season. Short-lived though it may be, the Christmas Spirit transforms our lives and communities each year in a way that no other holiday even comes close to doing. Back when all my children were young (early 2000’s), I had a realization about one particular Christmas transformation that …


Do you consider yourself to be a “lucky” person? How about a “blessed” person? In 2000, recording artist Rachel Lampa released a song that you may remember: “I am blessed / I am blessed / From when I rise up in the morning / ‘Till I lay my head to rest.” Are you blessed? Perhaps …

St. Patrick, Bold Faith

Are you familiar with the classic hymn, “Be Thou My Vision”? Did you know the story behind it was inspired by the life of St. Patrick? On the Eve of Easter (and during the Celtic feast of Bealtaine), 432, the High King Loaghaire prepared to kindle the “new fire” on top of a hill at …

The Story of Santa Claus, Part 2

In part 1, we learned about the historical inspiration for Santa Claus, Nicholas of Myra, who died on December 6, 343. Nicholas’ habit of cheerful giving, and his commitment to both children and the poor, allowed him to become quite the celebrity. After Nicholas’ death, the stories about him became bigger and more fantastic with each …

The Story of Santa Claus, Part 1

Santa Claus is surely one of the most beloved figures of modern times. But did you know that he was perhaps even more beloved long before he acquired a fur-trimmed red suit, a big round belly, and nine flying reindeer to pull his sleigh? It’s true, the historical figure who would one day come to …