Showing 176 Result(s)
The New World-Changers?

The New World-Changers?

I stumbled across a very interesting set of blog posts today from three different bloggers. Check out these “money quotes”… “Forget the ‘influentials.’ You must buy into the theory that [things] reach critical mass because mere mortals spread the word for you. This defies the common wisdom that a handful of ‘influentials’ shape what the …

Do something new every three years?

Do something new every three years?

Check out this blog post by Chris Anderson (author of the Long Tail) entitled “Do something new every three years.” Definitely food for thought… In my comments to Chris, I confessed that it had not occurred to me that 10,000 hours squeezed out of a 40+ hour work week would certainly shorten the time frame. …

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Have any recurring dreams? I do. All my life I’ve dreamed I could fly. Honest. I’ve flown over cities, lakes, oceans, mountains, valleys, parks…you name it–100s of times. And each time it’s the same: I wake up exhilarated. I love dreaming I can fly. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes and super-powered beings. But …

The Talent Myth?

The Talent Myth?

Branding guru John Moore (Brand Autopsy) recently pointed out two books which similarly discuss how people achieve world-class success. He says, “Both books dispel the notion that talent and intelligence are predictors of success. Both rely heavily on Anders Ericsson’s research into ‘Deliberate Practice.’” Here’s some key quotes pulled by Moore. Geoff Colvin’s TALENT IS …

An Emerging Voice?

An Emerging Voice?

Just learned that Tony Jones (apparently one of the “New Christians” and a known voice in the youth ministry community), has confirmed how he has changed his views on same sex marriage, in a Same Sex Marriage Blogalogue with Rod Dreher: “I now believe that GLBTQ [people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer] can …

Behold, the Power of Cheese

Behold, the Power of Cheese

Well, after 15 years of marriage and 4 kids, Phyllis and I are finally at a place in our lives where we are actually able to have regular weekly date nights. For us, that night is Sunday. We drop all 4 kids off at Awanas (just a half mile from the house) and then it’s …

Halloween, Satanism and the Occult?

Halloween, Satanism and the Occult?

“Christians have often mistakenly thought of Halloween as the High Holy Day of Satanism and the occult, but it’s not. You’ll be surprised at what is…” So went the teaser this morning (not an exact quote, but the best I could do) by WAYfm Nashville’s morning show just before the last break of the 8:00 …

This Is Your Brain On Google

This Is Your Brain On Google

It seems Google is making us all stupid. Or so says Nicholas Carr in the July/August issue of the Atlantic. For all you “power browsers,” Carr’s point seems to be that the internet is “chipping away [his] capacity for concentration and contemplation” because he now “expects to take in information the way the Net distributes …

Random Strikes

Random Strikes

Took a while, but I am officially caught up on MMA news and blogs. There are a number of items I’d like to comment on, so I decided I’d hit each of them with some short jabs after I take a few random strikes at the EliteXC issue. EliteXC The “death” of EliteXC is really …

Jesus, Obama, Pilate and Palin

Jesus, Obama, Pilate and Palin

By now you’ve heard the ill-fated attempts to be clever by Rep. Steve Cohen (D) of Tennessee in comparing Community Organizer Barack Obama to Jesus and Governor Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate. Of course, Susan Sarandon and some other namesake (who’s name escapes me) echoed this sentiment. Now, a lot of folks are offended by …