Showing 176 Result(s)
Lessons from the Octagon, 001

Lessons from the Octagon, 001

Just finished re-watching the second Franklin-Silva fight (UFC 77). Wow… Now, it’s no secret that I am a huge Rich Franklin fan. I make no apologies for that. Franklin is an admirable guy, a naturally talented fighter and also happens to share my faith in Christ. But Anderson Silva is just plain scary. UFC color …



A new collaborative community of faith is starting up in Cleveland that will combine the ideas of organic church and social networking/web 2.0 functions. Phyllis and I have been talking and praying about this for years and we feel the context is finally right. For those of you who know us, you know that this …

Fluevog Rocks

Fluevog Rocks

When it comes to design, nobody does it better than Fluevog. What’s that? You’ve never heard of Fluevog? Well, well. Let me be the first to introduce you. It was 1989. I was living in Yakima Washington with my good friend James Allen and he and I made a day trip to Seattle. The city …

I Agree with Barack Obama

I Agree with Barack Obama

Did you see this story out of the Baptist Press: Have you read the part of the Sermon on the Mount about homosexuality? If that doesn’t ring a bell, don’t worry. A lot of people are wondering exactly what presidential hopeful Barack Obama meant when he cited Jesus’ famous sermon as justification for his endorsement …

Eric Wilbanks’ Totally 80s Birthday Bash

Eric Wilbanks’ Totally 80s Birthday Bash

Holy 80s flashback, Batman, it’s almost here! Hopefully, you’ve started working on your 80s outfit and making overnight arrangements if necessary. If not, this email may help. Click here for a detailed map of local hotels and contact info:,-84.871337&spn=0.011104,0.023518&z=16&msid=114060269261063643231.000446d926e9e06a42dad The map includes our house, Walmart (essential knowledge for any town), hotels, Panera, Starbucks and, …

Experts, Mobs, and Sherpas: The Cultural Evolution of Learning

Experts, Mobs, and Sherpas: The Cultural Evolution of Learning

(Note: This post was first written in December 2007 and then updated January 2014) Back in October 2007, Richard Dennison (works for BT on intranet, social media and knowledge management strategy) found an article in the Guardian on-line that contained the following quote from Jason Calacanis: “Web 3.0 is the creation of high-quality content and …

Time is Winding Down…

Time is Winding Down…

As we close out 2007 and head into the 2008 election year I thought it might be helpful to recommend a resource that is available for concerned voters called “On the Issues,” found at On the Issues is a “non-partisan information [repository] for voters in the Presidential election, so that votes can be based …

Design is a Funny Thing…

Design is a Funny Thing…

Without exception, every client that comes to me for design begins the conversation with something akin to the following: “I’ve tried to do it myself, but I’m not a designer” or“I need a ____ but I’m not very artistic” or“I have a ____ but it’s pretty basic. I want something that looks really sharp and …

The Geek Shall Inherit the Church

The Geek Shall Inherit the Church

Ministry Today Magazine Cover Story, Nov/Dec 2006 From blogs to BlackBerrys, how the church’s love affair with technology is enhancing—and sometimes distracting us from—authentic ministry. Sure, to the outside observer, the church may be the last bastion of traditionalism in society—what with the “smells and bells,” pancake breakfasts and penchant for a Book written 2,000 …