Showing 176 Result(s)
Get real, people. The job of Social Media Manager is NOT going away.

Get real, people. The job of Social Media Manager is NOT going away.

Of course, sensationalists everywhere are pouncing on the opportunity to pen ridiculous headlines pointing to the demise of this role. Why? It’s all because of a new study by recruitment website showing that growth in the number of social media manager roles slowed over the past year. In other words, after meteoric growth, we’re …

Christmas is About Giving

Christmas is About Giving

For the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we spend time as a family talking about how we integrate our faith into the Christmas traditions (sort of an Advent approach) that we call the Colors of Christmas. It’s always interesting and really helps us stay centered on what’s important to us as a family and …

Cheer Up, Church!

Cheer Up, Church!

The interwebs are full of believers everywhere bemoaning the end of the world over the re-election of Obama to four more years in the Oval Office. Of course, most are also quick to admit that God is still on the throne, despite this “calamity.” But have no fear. I have a word of encouragement for …

Facebook’s Customer Satisfaction Survey

Facebook’s Customer Satisfaction Survey

Logged into Facebook a few minutes ago and was asked to take a quick survey. At the end, the survey asked for additional feedback. Here’s what I wrote: I am constantly frustrated by Facebook’s filtering of my newsfeed (Edgerank). I am only friends with people whom I want to hear from. No algorithm will ever …

Emmaus CCF “Giving Circles”

Emmaus CCF “Giving Circles”

In a sluggish economy, a lot of folks are cutting back on charitable giving (and discretionary spending). Even the US Government is cutting back on how and where it spends its dollars, with small nonprofits feeling it the worst. Most congregations can’t afford to help, either. According to William Tenny, “the average [congregation] in the …

God and Politics.

God and Politics.

I have a serious question to ask you. What do you make of this admonition by Paul to his protégé, Timothy: “First of all, then, I urge that requests, prayers, intercessions, and thanks be offered on behalf of all people, even for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a peaceful …

A Tale of Tea and War That You’ve Probably Never Heard

A Tale of Tea and War That You’ve Probably Never Heard

If you are familiar with battle details of the American Revolution, then you have no doubt heard about the “Battle of Long Island” fought on August 27, 1776. General George Washington, then Commander-in-Chief, and the Continental Army attempted to defend the strategic port city of New York against the combined land and sea forces of …