Showing 176 Result(s)
A Toothless Gospel

A Toothless Gospel

Not long ago I found myself in the middle of a difficult conversation with a very dear friend. The issue had to do with choices. My friend—against advice, good judgment, scriptural admonition, and old-fashioned pleading—had chosen to make some lifestyle changes that were clearly out of harmony with God’s Word. Well, I say “clearly”, but …

What’s For Dinner?

What’s For Dinner?

I have a friend who is a single male in his late forties. Career-wise, he’s quite successful. And his passion for Christ and genuine love for others is obvious after only a few minutes in conversation. But even more striking is his story of how he found a level of contentment that many single adults …

The Power of a Name

The Power of a Name

Paul Harvey was one of radio’s most famous personalities, known primarily for his radio segments titled “The Rest of the Story,” in which he weaves fascinating tales, waiting until the last moment to reveal the identities of the story’s main character. For example, he once told the story of sixteen-year-old Michael, a basketball player who …

12 Steps to Health

12 Steps to Health

Step 1 … Adjust your attitude! The way you think about yourself and your ability to get healthy is critical to your success (or failure). Think about it. Step 2 … Go ahead and indulge in a little chocolate, just make sure it’s dark chocolate. The benefits are truly amazing. Step 3 … learn to …

The True Cost of Discipleship

The True Cost of Discipleship

On February 4, 1906, in Breslau, Germany, Dietrich became number six of eight children born to Karl and Paula Bonhoeffer. Karl was a professor of psychiatry and neurology. Paula was a university graduate who home-schooled Dietrich while he was young. A brilliant student, Dietrich went on to become the only  Bonhoeffer ever to pursue a …

Covenant Marriage

Covenant Marriage

On Oct 16, 1993 I proclaimed to the world that I had “found the one   whom my soul loves” (Song of Solomon, 3:4). The Covenant we made that day is still just as strong today as we celebrate 17 years of   marriage. But we’ve been together for almost 20 years, and I still   …

Who Knows Best?

Who Knows Best?

Another political campaign flyer arrived in the mail today. It wasn’t really all that extraordinary, but my 13-yr old son was bored so he stood beside me and began silently reading through the flyer — until he reached this line, which he read out loud: “[Name] … knows what’s best for us — not government!” …

Font Faux Pas

Font Faux Pas

There’s a time and place for every font … people who can’t figure that out should have to go through a fontervention and be embarrassed on national TV via a new reality series titled What Font to Where?