I Finally Saw Book of Eli Last Night.

Here’s just a few quick afterthoughts:
Yes, it is massively violent, evenly though most of the violence is “in the shadows” and filmed at wider-than-normal angles, so it’s less detailed. There really isn’t a lot of “blood & gore” (compared to some other similar flix) though you certainly expect it.
The language is horrible.
The “message” is astounding: The God of the Bible is real and His Word is powerful. It’s the most blatantly positive portrayal of those things since the Passion of the Christ.
The ending isn’t nearly as predictable as it leads you to believe it will be.
You will be challenged. Personally, I found myself wondering:
1.       How committed are you to staying on the Path despite the circumstances? What kind of personal sacrifices are you willing to make in order to follow Christ?
2.       How passionate are you about the Word of God? After nearly 30 years of faith, have you read (actually, consumed) the Word enough to be able to recite any part of it at any moment?
It definitely deserved the R rating it received, so it’s hard to imagine even ClearPlay being able to clean it up enough for “safe” viewing, which is really unfortunate because it puts the film out of reach for way too many folks.
Overall, great movie, but clearly not for everyone.

— Sent from my Palm Prē