
King of the Hill

Think About ItGod’s Word is an unstoppable force!

Read About It—Acts 19:13-20

I love stories of underdogs—you know, the 95% of average folks like you and me—that claw and scratch and wrestle their way to the top of the food chain to emerge as victorious over the bad guys! I love to see the nice guy work hard and end in victory! As a matter of fact, most people love to see the good guys win. As little kids we start out by playing “King of the Hill.” Everybody is working against the odds to dethrone the reigning King and become the new ruler. And it is always sweet when the nice guy (or gal) brings down the bully! Or what about the team that starts out the season 0-3 only to fight back and go on to win the championship? Pro wrestling was founded on this principal of good guys working their way to the top, taking down the bad guys one at a time. That’s just the way it is: We feel a sense of justice when arrogant and evil people are “knocked off of their high-horse.” There is something unnatural and unsettling about bad guys who win in the end. It creates a sense of what writers call “disequilibrium.” In other words, we are left feeling as if all of nature is “out of balance” and doomed for destruction. If for any reason you doubt the truth of this, just take a look at the movies. Even Hollywood, despite their apparent love affair with all that is wrong and evil in this world, recognizes that audiences expect to see the “good guy” (which may translate into the “least bad” guy) come out on top. When you translate the inexhaustible goodness of God’s word into a world that is morally and spiritually bankrupt, you can’t help but watch in awe as the powers of darkness are systematically dethroned. In the end, the Good News of God’s Word becomes the new King of the Hill in that life or community! Talk about your success stories! God’s Word tops them all!

Okay, go back and read Acts 19:13-20 one more time.

Now for the REAL stretch—Disciples of Christ…

Know God—In what way did God reveal Himself to you as you read His Word?

Live for God—What one lifestyle change is God calling you to make?

Love Others—In what way is God calling you to minister to someone in need?

Bear Fruit—In what ways will you set the example and the standard for others to follow?