Showing 2 Result(s)
Marijuana Decision Prompts Slogan Revision

Marijuana Decision Prompts Slogan Revision

  According to AP writer Devlin Barrett, the new medical marijuana policy issued by the Obama administration means that federal prosecutors “will not seek to arrest medical marijuana users and suppliers as long as they conform to state laws.” By an unexpected but logical turn of events, POA representatives (Potheads of America) have successfully lobbied …

The 21 Inexplicable Laws of Parenthood

The 21 Inexplicable Laws of Parenthood

By Eric Wilbanks, Professional Dad. Law 1: The Law of the Lid You will always have more cups than there are lids that fit them, no matter what you do.Law 2: The Law of Influence There is an un-identifiable force named “Idunno” which is capable of exerting incredible influence over the decisions of your child.Law …