Showing 23 Result(s)

Thanksgiving Ushers in Peace!

When my kids were little, we spent many long hours traveling to the grandparents’ house for the holidays. In order to help our littles cope with the 6 or 10-hour trips (one way) they always packed a “busy bag”. Invariably, something ALWAYS got left behind and grandma would find it later. So I started making …

Christmas Angels, Pt 1

No doubt about it: Christmas is a magical season. Short-lived though it may be, the Christmas Spirit transforms our lives and communities each year in a way that no other holiday even comes close to doing. Back when all my children were young (early 2000’s), I had a realization about one particular Christmas transformation that …


Do you consider yourself to be a “lucky” person? How about a “blessed” person? In 2000, recording artist Rachel Lampa released a song that you may remember: “I am blessed / I am blessed / From when I rise up in the morning / ‘Till I lay my head to rest.” Are you blessed? Perhaps …

The Story of Santa Claus, Part 2

In part 1, we learned about the historical inspiration for Santa Claus, Nicholas of Myra, who died on December 6, 343. Nicholas’ habit of cheerful giving, and his commitment to both children and the poor, allowed him to become quite the celebrity. After Nicholas’ death, the stories about him became bigger and more fantastic with each …

Does God Command Me to Vote?

Does God Command Me to Vote?

Do I Really Have To Choose Between Hillary And Trump? Over the course of the past two years, and particularly in the first half of 2016, debate has reached an all-time high about whether or not Christians must cast a vote in the upcoming presidential election. The primary driver behind these debates is the idea …

Someone should create an RPG and call it Trumpolitics & Trumptianity

Someone should create an RPG and call it Trumpolitics & Trumptianity

I think I *may* understand the appeal of Trump for the average American, Christian or not: He claims to be somewhat of a political conservative, while at the same time, *morally*, the facts about his life and beliefs seem to indicate that he is anything but the so-called fringe known as “strictly Evangelical.” In the …

Are You a Spiritual Diabetic?

Are You a Spiritual Diabetic?

According to, “29.1 million people in the United States have diabetes, 8.1 million of whom may be undiagnosed and unaware of their condition. In adults 20 and older, more than one in every 10 people suffers from diabetes.” Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels. …

Is God’s Word Like a Map?

Is God’s Word Like a Map?

We have a small group of believers ranging in age from nine to 50-something that meet in our home each week for prayer, fellowship, a meal, and Bible study. The Bible study portion of our time together is very interactive. We read Scripture, we ask questions, we make observations; we wrestle and chew on the …

12 Biblical Reasons to Give Thanks

12 Biblical Reasons to Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. I certainly love it as much as I love Christmas (even though it doesn’t get near the treatment that Christmas gets). Growing up, Thanksgiving was the day when my Mom’s side of the family got together. It was always a huge meal with lots of people. Of the …

Good Friday Meditation: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Good Friday Meditation: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded

Hands down, my all-time favorite “easter” song is O Sacred Head, Now Wounded. The original poem is often attributed to Bernard of Clairvaux (1091-1153), but in recent years has been attributed to the Medieval poet Arnulf of Louvain (died 1250). The first time I heard the song was on the 2000 4Him release Hymns: A Place for Worship. Listen …