Showing 23 Result(s)
Jack and the Magic Beans

Jack and the Magic Beans

Think About It—God’s Word is alive! (Hebrews 4:12) Read About It—Luke 8:4-15 You have to love the old story of Jack and his “magic beans.” The kid and his mom are down to nothing and Jack’s mom sends Jack into town to trade the family cow for some food. Been there…well, not exactly—with the cow …

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Have any recurring dreams? I do. All my life I’ve dreamed I could fly. Honest. I’ve flown over cities, lakes, oceans, mountains, valleys, parks…you name it–100s of times. And each time it’s the same: I wake up exhilarated. I love dreaming I can fly. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes and super-powered beings. But …

An Emerging Voice?

An Emerging Voice?

Just learned that Tony Jones (apparently one of the “New Christians” and a known voice in the youth ministry community), has confirmed how he has changed his views on same sex marriage, in a Same Sex Marriage Blogalogue with Rod Dreher: “I now believe that GLBTQ [people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer] can …