Showing 2 Result(s)
Leap Year?

Leap Year?

Today is my 11th birthday. So, in honor of this special and unique occasion, I’ve decided to post 11 interesting facts about Leap Year—the day which has “tickled the fancy of romantics around the world and through the ages.“ It takes planet Earth 365 days and 6.25 hours complete a full year’s orbit around the …

Eric Wilbanks’ Totally 80s Birthday Bash

Eric Wilbanks’ Totally 80s Birthday Bash

Holy 80s flashback, Batman, it’s almost here! Hopefully, you’ve started working on your 80s outfit and making overnight arrangements if necessary. If not, this email may help. Click here for a detailed map of local hotels and contact info:,-84.871337&spn=0.011104,0.023518&z=16&msid=114060269261063643231.000446d926e9e06a42dad The map includes our house, Walmart (essential knowledge for any town), hotels, Panera, Starbucks and, …