Showing 3 Result(s)
Someone should create an RPG and call it Trumpolitics & Trumptianity

Someone should create an RPG and call it Trumpolitics & Trumptianity

I think I *may* understand the appeal of Trump for the average American, Christian or not: He claims to be somewhat of a political conservative, while at the same time, *morally*, the facts about his life and beliefs seem to indicate that he is anything but the so-called fringe known as “strictly Evangelical.” In the …

Who Knows Best?

Who Knows Best?

Another political campaign flyer arrived in the mail today. It wasn’t really all that extraordinary, but my 13-yr old son was bored so he stood beside me and began silently reading through the flyer — until he reached this line, which he read out loud: “[Name] … knows what’s best for us — not government!” …