Showing 3 Result(s)
Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Have any recurring dreams? I do. All my life I’ve dreamed I could fly. Honest. I’ve flown over cities, lakes, oceans, mountains, valleys, parks…you name it–100s of times. And each time it’s the same: I wake up exhilarated. I love dreaming I can fly. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes and super-powered beings. But …

An Emerging Voice?

An Emerging Voice?

Just learned that Tony Jones (apparently one of the “New Christians” and a known voice in the youth ministry community), has confirmed how he has changed his views on same sex marriage, in a Same Sex Marriage Blogalogue with Rod Dreher: “I now believe that GLBTQ [people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender/transsexual, queer] can …

Human Capital?!

Human Capital?!

Okay, let me begin by saying that I am not normally a “politically correct” type of guy. Too often I find myself having to explain what I did and did not mean by something I said because I am not “sensitive enough” to recognize how it could have possibly been deemed offensive by that one …