Showing 6 Result(s)
Christmas is About Giving

Christmas is About Giving

For the four weeks leading up to Christmas, we spend time as a family talking about how we integrate our faith into the Christmas traditions (sort of an Advent approach) that we call the Colors of Christmas. It’s always interesting and really helps us stay centered on what’s important to us as a family and …

Harry Potter and the Empty Tomb

Harry Potter and the Empty Tomb

How would you feel if you were to find out that the resurrection of Jesus was somehow a hoax, or at least a misunderstanding? In his book, Philosophia Christi, Gary R. Habermas responds to some “suggested alternative scenarios” posed by Dale Allison concerning Jesus’s resurrection. You can read part of the response at, but …

Virus Alert!

Virus Alert!

Think About It—God’s Word is alive! (Hebrews 4:12) Read About It—Acts 12:19-25 Computer viruses can wreak havoc to your cyber health! (Even Mac users–long apathetic about viruses–are now forced to at least be aware of potential threats.) A well-planned and executed virus can literally spread around the globe in a matter of days or even …

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Christmas Angels, Pt 2

Have any recurring dreams? I do. All my life I’ve dreamed I could fly. Honest. I’ve flown over cities, lakes, oceans, mountains, valleys, parks…you name it–100s of times. And each time it’s the same: I wake up exhilarated. I love dreaming I can fly. I’ve always been a fan of superheroes and super-powered beings. But …

Jesus, Obama, Pilate and Palin

Jesus, Obama, Pilate and Palin

By now you’ve heard the ill-fated attempts to be clever by Rep. Steve Cohen (D) of Tennessee in comparing Community Organizer Barack Obama to Jesus and Governor Sarah Palin to Pontius Pilate. Of course, Susan Sarandon and some other namesake (who’s name escapes me) echoed this sentiment. Now, a lot of folks are offended by …