Showing 2 Result(s)
Brain 2.0, Memorization and More…

Brain 2.0, Memorization and More…

One of my favorite bloggers in the eLearning universe is Tony Karrer. Today, he recapped some venting he did recently on the topic of whether we should be “aiming at creativity, synthesis, composition, etc. more than memorization” and training “students who are knowledge-able rather than knowledgeable.” You can read the entire post here. Tony’s post …

Experts, Mobs, and Sherpas: The Cultural Evolution of Learning

Experts, Mobs, and Sherpas: The Cultural Evolution of Learning

(Note: This post was first written in December 2007 and then updated January 2014) Back in October 2007, Richard Dennison (works for BT on intranet, social media and knowledge management strategy) found an article in the Guardian on-line that contained the following quote from Jason Calacanis: “Web 3.0 is the creation of high-quality content and …