Showing 9 Result(s)

Less Talk, More Action

The past two days, I’ve watched  as many businesses and organizations—large and small, for-profit and not-for-profit—figure out creative ways to stay in business while at the same time creating additional (i.e., previously unavailable) value for their audience. This is a win/win strategy! For example, I’ve seen: A group of church marketing experts who are offering …

The Story of Santa Claus, Part 2

In part 1, we learned about the historical inspiration for Santa Claus, Nicholas of Myra, who died on December 6, 343. Nicholas’ habit of cheerful giving, and his commitment to both children and the poor, allowed him to become quite the celebrity. After Nicholas’ death, the stories about him became bigger and more fantastic with each …

Why Marketing Gets a Bad Rap Sometimes

Why Marketing Gets a Bad Rap Sometimes

Dilbert creator, Scott Adams, has spent years skewering all things corporate America, and marketing is no exception. If you want a good laugh, read through some of these Dilbert strips on the subject: And, honestly, most of the time, corporate America has earned the skewering. In fact, when I see things like I saw today, …

Naked Surprise!

Naked Surprise!

It’s 9:27 a.m. The kids have all left for day camp. The house is quiet. The doorbell rings. When I open the door, I find a large white box sitting on my front porch. It’s an early Christmas present from my friends at the Naked Juice headquarters in California! Folks, this is how you make …

Behold, the Power of Cheese

Behold, the Power of Cheese

Well, after 15 years of marriage and 4 kids, Phyllis and I are finally at a place in our lives where we are actually able to have regular weekly date nights. For us, that night is Sunday. We drop all 4 kids off at Awanas (just a half mile from the house) and then it’s …

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark

Waiting for Your Cat to Bark

If you haven’t yet read “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark,” my only question is Why Not?! Check out this snippet: One basic difference between cats and dogs is motivation. Centuriesof cat and dog humor captures the stereotypes: A dog wants to please you;a cat couldn’t care less. Dogs are devoted and loving and selfless. …

Boston Market’s Image Upgrade

Boston Market’s Image Upgrade

Fast Casual magazine has an interesting article about the transformation going on at Boston Market. “(Success) starts with a brand promise of saving time, and our chef-driven food is a bridge to that promise,” said Trey Hall, Boston Market’s chief brand officer. While the menu stays the same, the tableware and employee uniforms are changing. …

Sell Out to Your Niche

Sell Out to Your Niche

Greg Stielstra of Pyromarketing fame recently wrote: “People are sometimes reluctant to try PyroMarketing because the first step–gathering the driest tinder–seems limiting. They are afraid to focus all of their efforts on the people most likely to buy because they imagine that a narrowly defined niche is too small to meet their sales goals. In …