They say image is everything…

For my tastes, that’s a little over the top.

Nevertheless, there is something to be said for this well-honored proverb of business execs worldwide.

Take, for example, one aspect of God’s covenant with Abraham, found in Genesis 12 (a covenant, which by the way, carries over into the New Testament: See Galatians 3:29)…

“I will bless you and make your name great” (Gen. 12:2).

While having a great reputation has more to do with actions than anything else, the way we present ourselves to the world around us—especially in today’s market-driven culture—can help establish or destroy our reputations before we ever get a chance to prove them with substance. And if you think for a moment that style is not important, consider the money spent each year on marketing and advertising that tells you almost nothing about the products or services themselves!

You see, the issue isn’t really about the level of significance which you assign to your public image, but the image itself. Whether you believe it’s “everything” or just a “little thing,” it definitely is “something.”

The question, then, is what message are you sending and does it really communicate who you are? Whatever your style or preference, I can help.

By working with you and your team members, I can help you craft major and minor aspects of your public image—from web and brochure designs, to ads, public service announcements and more—in such a way that those things express the very heart of your church or organization.

So feel free to take a look around at some of the work I’ve done for others. Read the kind words from some of my clients. I think their enthusiasm (and the results) speak for themselves.

After you’ve looked around, drop me a line and let’s talk.
